Somascan Teens

Beginning in 2022, SomTeens is a dynamic and vibrant Catholic youth group, committed to empowering young individuals in years 6 to 12 to thrive in every aspect of their lives. As proud members of the Somascan community and rooted in the heart of St. Jerome’s Catholic Parish, we bring you a one-of-a- kind fusion of excitement, faith, and friendship that will transform your journey with us.

Meeting every Friday during the school term from 7 to 9pm in the Father Barry Whitely Hall, SomTeens is run and supervised by our Youth Leaders, along with parent support. Our evenings focus on faith and fun and can include prayer, Reconcilation and faith talks as well as fun games and food.

Visit our SomTeens webpage below:

The SomTeens group welcomes new members. For more information contact SomTeens on the email