Parish Pastoral Council

St Jerome’s Parish Council, which is under the auspices of the Archbishop, is comprised of several members of the Parish Community.

The committee members act as a consultative body, providing wise advice and constructive assessment to the parish priest and to involve itself in goal planning, setting of objectives and careful policy making.

The council is elected annually, at the Annual General Meeting (to which all parishioners are invited to attend and  participate), to represent the whole of the parish and its various interest groups namely finance, School Board, liturgy, religious education, hall, fund raising, choir, welfare, spiritual and prayer groups and fellowship.

During the last 12 months the council, with the strong support of all interest groups, has focussed on putting into place programs to address maintenance needs, asset replacement, improving the church environment, encouraging faith formation, greater family and parishioner ownership, air conditioning, repairs and repainting of the church, hall floor maintenance, programs to minimise costs of maintaining the parish, pastoral needs, and to plan for the future needs of the Parish. All parishioners and new families are invited to be involved as there is much to achieve within our parish.